ENZO Vision offers a unique whole sale and retail experience for consumers looking for luxury, designer, and sport sunglasses - with the service and style to match. With destinations nation-wide, we deliver our distinctive selection of sunglasses with knowledge and support to satisfy every customer. At Enzo vision, we strive to deliver sophistication in everything we do, from our environment to the brands we offer. We are committed to knowing our products inside and out and providing a uniquely positive shopping experience for all our customers.

Customer Service

Enzo Vision built first and foremost on the great service we provide our customers; understanding that with their trust comes great responsibility. We mostly hire college graduates who have an outgoing personality, a commitment to service and of course, a passion for glasses. We are a bit biased and tend to hire people who actually wear glasses as well. Most importantly, the customer service crew sits with us, right here in-house and not in some other country. Our average response time to a call is less than 10 seconds and email response time is less than 24 hours.